Discovery Bay

Discovery Bay - Best Place to Travel

millbrae library... a couple of blocks off el camino real. nightbeat's maria medina says... tonight the victim may be alive because of the friends ... who

Discovery Bay

Discovery Bay, never left his side. ((cover with crime scene video -- @ 162104)) ((det. salvador zuno/san mateo

county sheriff's office: "162400 the teenager was shocked you know he was panicking")) a 13-year-old boy... stabbed repeatedly... with a pocket knife... ((cover bite)) ((zuno: "162403 he didn't know what was going on")) chosen --

out of a group of his friends... as they stood outside the millbrae library... ((show cop)) ((zuno: "162405 he didn't know why he had been attacked 06 he didn't understand so 08")) detectives with the san mateo county sheriff's office

described -- the violent act -- as random. ((zuno: "162712 not only is this act very random because there appears to be no motive but this is the crime itself is very random for the city of millbrae 20")) the suspect -- who isn't being identified

tonight -- is homeless... according to investigators. when they got the call around two-thirty... they say it took them only twenty seconds <

stayed in the area so on top of that it's another unusual circumstance 06")) after the suspect's arrest... deputies discovered... the brave acts by library staff... who rushed the kids inside... what's more heroic they say -- <

sure to never leave his side: ((zuno: 1628 "his friends actually gathered him and rushed him inside 16 ****** into the bathroom so his friends also acted very bravely 19 to help him out 21")) ((maria medina: "the teen -- who is also not being identified -- went to

taylor middle was his last day...he was stabbed in the arms... and underwent surgery but is expected to survive. in millbrae, mm, kpix5")) 2 san francisco police officers are in the hospital tonight.. after

millbrae library... a couple of blocks off el camino real. nightbeat's maria medina says... tonight the victim may be alive because of the friends ... who

Discovery Bay

Discovery Bay, never left his side. ((cover with crime scene video -- @ 162104)) ((det. salvador zuno/san mateo

county sheriff's office: "162400 the teenager was shocked you know he was panicking")) a 13-year-old boy... stabbed repeatedly... with a pocket knife... ((cover bite)) ((zuno: "162403 he didn't know what was going on")) chosen --

out of a group of his friends... as they stood outside the millbrae library... ((show cop)) ((zuno: "162405 he didn't know why he had been attacked 06 he didn't understand so 08")) detectives with the san mateo county sheriff's office

described -- the violent act -- as random. ((zuno: "162712 not only is this act very random because there appears to be no motive but this is the crime itself is very random for the city of millbrae 20")) the suspect -- who isn't being identified

tonight -- is homeless... according to investigators. when they got the call around two-thirty... they say it took them only twenty seconds <

stayed in the area so on top of that it's another unusual circumstance 06")) after the suspect's arrest... deputies discovered... the brave acts by library staff... who rushed the kids inside... what's more heroic they say -- <

sure to never leave his side: ((zuno: 1628 "his friends actually gathered him and rushed him inside 16 ****** into the bathroom so his friends also acted very bravely 19 to help him out 21")) ((maria medina: "the teen -- who is also not being identified -- went to

taylor middle was his last day...he was stabbed in the arms... and underwent surgery but is expected to survive. in millbrae, mm, kpix5")) 2 san francisco police officers are in the hospital tonight.. after

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